
Scooting through Tech

A guest post from Cristina Cruz Soltesz, an events troubleshooter, poet and dancer in San Francisco.

From education, investment, virtual events, audio technology to nonprofit, my role in a given project is constantly changing. So I’ve opted to call myself the “Troubleshooter on a Scooter.”

Picture yourself travelling the world when navigating around each project. Language, culture, values and human interactions are the same key elements that come into play. I currently develop corporate relations for my group, which coordinates business events and conferences for entrepreneurs, innovators, investors, founders and co-founders. Each month, we introduce the newest technologies and services, raise funds and educate early adopters. To be successful, I adapt, reboot and update my mind as I immerse myself in the areas of mobile applications, cloud computing, wireless systems, smart phones, electronic components, data management, wearable technology, video games, robotic engineering and more topics. The goal is to engage and connect with our audience.

Here’s My Freelancing Style

Adapt. No matter which planet you come from, you need to learn the ways of your new environment. If you are more in the creative field as I am, and now find yourself swimming in the ocean of fancy gizmos and high technology, do your homework, study and learn the lingo. It’s always more difficult in the beginning mainly because you may inhibit yourself. Let go of your fears of learning something new  and do whatever it takes for you to adjust in your new space and become that tech ninja.

Reboot. When this idea first hit me, I was a bit catatonic. I mean, reboot what?! Then I realized, exactly! Consider changing how you normally do things or see things to allow your mind to relax and to “think outside the box.” In my field of creative events, I try to present venues in unique ways whenever possible. For example, I like how Academy of Science and Exploratorium changes from an aquarium or a museum to a nightlife.  It’s pretty amazing to attract a cooler crowd that can both party and have intellectual discussions.

Update.  I was happy when I lived in a place where technology was not as elaborate as it is now. However, I find that moving at that slow pace would not only bore me but make me irrelevant. So update your skills, knowledge, image and style. Besides, being able to evolve into a newer better you is an end in itself!

Iterate.  Practice makes perfect. That’s all. So adapt. Reboot. Update. Iterate. Iterate. Iterate.

About the Author

cristinaCristina Cruz Soltesz is a connector, an events troubleshooter, a poet, a dancer and a resident of San Francisco, who celebrates the culture of experimentation, pushes boundaries and blends the beauty of art with the  newest technologies. Follow her on Twitter @roba_da_matti, Instagram @soltac, LinkedIn and Facebook.