by Jason Long | May 24, 2016 | Branding, Clients, Content, Contracts, Creativity, Development, Management, Marketing, Musing, News, People, Pricing, Random Things, Running a Business, Sales, Scoping, Web Design
Guest post by Del Mauricio There will be a time in your freelance career when you will encounter a difficult client: a hard to please individual with a tendency to either get distracted from the agreed upon project goals or someone who does not follow through with...
by Jason Long | Feb 25, 2015 | Clients, Contracts, Management, People, Running a Business
These days it seems like everyone in America loves to sue each other. It’s not uncommon to feel the threat of this looming – not only because something actually went wrong or they’re upset, but often just to bully you into doing what they want when they want it....
by Jason Long | Jan 30, 2015 | Contracts, Management, Press
When you’re a small business owner, lawsuit threats can seem like the end of the world. Let’s face it, people in America love to sue each other. But fear not! Most of them are just that: threats. Often, clients will use the threat of a suit to bully you into doing...